I’ve been talking with a lot of docs lately and a recurring theme seems to how much junk mail they get in their inbox. They say that several emails they get on a regular basis are virus laden and have infected their computers. These same computers are used to handle sensitive patient data protected by HIPAA and they were concerned by this. After further discussion I asked what email service they were using. Almost without fail, the answer was Hotmail or Yahoo.
Here are 3 surefire ways to eliminate spam and the threats that come through your email.
1) DO get a professional email address. It costs about $8 a year to have your own domain name like johnsonchiropractic.com. Just go to godaddy.com and sign up for your own domain name after confirming it’s available. Get creative but keep it simple. You don’t want people to have to type a long email or web address. If you already have a website this step is already done. Your web hosting company should be able to set you up with email. If they can’t we have an awesome service to help your office collaborate. SPAMMERS tend to target the popular Hotmail and Yahoo emails much more. 2) DON’T use your office email to sign up for offers, newsletters, or websites. Create a free gmail account for this. Gmail is pretty good at blocking spam and it allows you to create a junk email that isn’t tied to the office. 3) DO ensure your professional email address is protected properly with SPAM and VIRUS filtering. You run a professional office and you owe it to your patients to ensure that their personal health information is protected (Plus the law requires it). Even if you don’t use email to communicate with patients this is still a wide open hole in security if not properly protected. It’s the equivalent of putting sandbags around your house prior to a coming flood and leaving a two foot gap in the wall.
If you would like to learn more about how to protect your email, need help with implementing anything above, or any other technology in your office, click HERE to contact us. And if you would like to ensure your email is really protected, we’ve included a special offer below that is good through the end of the month. Just let us know where we can help!
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