8 Reasons You Can’t Be HIPAA Compliant Next April Running Windows XP

Although a lot of chiropractors have been getting rid of Windows XP for at least the last 3 years, the fact remains that as of last December, around 500 million users will still be running Windows XP. Here are 8 of the top reasons it’s time to finally give up Windows XP now.

  1. Tons Of Viruses. There is a huge library of viruses aimed at Windows XP and limited antivirus support still available.
  2. XP Is OLD (almost 12 years old!). The 1st iPod was released the same year as Windows XP. In a world where the 5th iPhone has been released, no one should be left using an O/S that pre-dates the 1st iPod!
  3. Least Secure Operating System (By Far!). ALL other platforms, including Linux, all versions of Mac OS X, Windows 7 and Windows 8 are more secure than XP by a huge margin. Windows Vista is actually a far safer option (scary!).
  4. Built For A Simpler Time. XP was created for a simpler world of technology. It was formatted to fit to a screen only 640 pixels wide, and it showcased IE6 as a new product. The internet was a different place when XP was developed. Smartphones were non-existent, laptops were a luxury and tablet computers were science fiction.
  5. No More Band-Aids. Only so many band-aid fixes on top of each other can be effective.
  6. Support Is Ending. Mainstream support of XP ended 4 years ago (April 2009) with only critical security updates since then.
  7. Malware Everywhere. You can continue to use XP, but with more malware than ever. XP is by far the most vulnerable platform to connect to the internet.
  8. AND THE BIGGEST REASON OF ALL – HIPAA Compliance – As of APRIL 8, 2014, Microsoft will end all support for Windows XP.  That means no more patches and updates despite continued security holes being found.

This means you should take action. After April 8, 2014, there will be no new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options or online technical content updates.

If you are running Windows XP SP3 or Office 2003 in your environment after their end of support date you may expose your office to potential risks, such as:

  • Security & Compliance Risks: Unsupported and unpatched environments are vulnerable to security risks. This may result in an officially recognized control failure by an internal or external audit body, leading to suspension of certifications, and/or public notification of the organization’s inability to maintain its systems and customer information.
  • Lack of Independent Software Vendor (ISV) & Hardware Manufacturers support: A recent industry report from Gartner Research suggests “many independent software vendors (ISVs) are unlikely to support new versions of applications on Windows XP in 2011; in 2012, it will become common.” And it may stifle access to hardware innovation: Gartner Research further notes that in 2012, most PC hardware manufacturers will stop supporting Windows XP on the majority of their new PC models.

XP is a relic from a different world. Use at your own risk.

When you have had enough of dealing with all the computer issues, HIPAA security holes, and are ready for us to partner with you and ensure you can focus on your patients, give us a call at 877-540-6789 or email us at dan.dumpxp@techsublux.com.  We’ll help you get the right solution in there fast to get you secure.

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