Have you spent more than 5000 days on a beach?

For those of you that know my friend Dr Steve Hoffman, you’ll know that he lives 3 months of the year on a tropical island.  I had the privilege of spending a week with him and his wife this past February, diving, relaxing and recharging my batteries.  Here are the three lessons I learned about building the life you desire by watching Dr Steve.

1)      Design your outcome and work backwards – If you want to live on an island 3 mos out of the year, what does it take in your practice to allow you to do that?  Is it better technology to help you be more organized? Do you need to increase your ability to see more patients a week? Is it hiring an associate so you can be away for that time?  Whatever it is, choose the end game or desired result and work backwards to achieve the outcome.  Success can’t be realized until the planning is in place.

2)      Spend time on yourself – If you don’t spend money and time on yourself, educating yourself, you can’t help others.  Arm yourself with the best technology to help you be productive. Get to a place where you can clear your head and think strategically. This is how growth happens.  Working hundreds of hours a week leaves no time to reflect.  Dr Steve spends at least an hour a day reading books to help him focus on the more important goals in his end game.

3)      Play hard – You have to play hard if you are going to work hard.  Not much more to say here.  My biggest breakthroughs have been when I am away from my business at the beach or other places.   The “Ah-Ha” moments in my life have come when I am NOT at work.  Don’t get me wrong, Dr Steve works very hard, but he also plays hard.  If you have the opportunity to surround yourself by people more successful than yourself, JUMP at it.  If you can play hard while doing that, even better.

Not everyone wants to live on an island for 3 months of the year.  That is ok.  Just figure out WHAT you want and HOW to do it and then BE INTENTIONAL about getting there.  If you’d like to see the value Dr Steve’s down time has allowed him to create, check his site out here.

I’d like to leave you with this short interview I did with my friend Earl Paul.  For 15 years he has averaged over 350 days a year on the beach.   It’s quite intentional and amazing.  Check it out and have a happy 4th of July!

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